
Even The Yummiest Fruits Go Stale :(

Happiness, success, love .. 
it's what makes the world go 'round ... obviously :)
and I always wish for these things
for myself and others, especially my friends. 

It is so sad when someone lets jealousy of another's success fill their normally large heart with envy and bitterness instead of love. 

As those of you who follow my blog know, just last week I found out that I was chosen to go to London to report on the summer 2012 Olympics as a photojournalist. Woot woot, London here I come :)

I was one of very few chosen based on my work as a photographer, graphic designer and blogger. To have one's work validated like that is wonderful and It was the proudest day of my life.  

You know, one of those days where I know someone more than my mom loves my stuff. You can't go through life with just mommy thinking you're special.

Well ... I am still floating on clouds of happiness. 

I was overwhelmed by the support of so many of my friends when I announced the news. It was one of those 150 likes on Facebook moments, where the old friends and the new pop up, and you are just so pleased with humanity that so many people can be happy for you. And you of course feel really popular ... just kidding.

Well, sadly, right after that lovely announcement, I had one person suddenly accuse me of copying her blog content. It is doubly strange since I started both my blog and my design company long before she did, and mine has changed very little over the last 4 years. 

In fact, when she started her blog, even though it disturbingly resembled my blog, I supported her and linked to her site as something my followers might enjoy too. I was happy for her success and have continued to be as she has modified and grown her blog and even started a photography business like mine too. 

Now, my success has somehow made her feel threatened. I'm sorry for that., and sorry for the fact that she can't find it in her heart to share in my happiness and success as I have hers. It is just so disheartening to know someone would try to take my talent and love for design from me. 

Here's to creativity. to originality. to good taste and even better designs. here's to entrepreneurial spirit and persistence despite the critics. here's to London :)

To all of my followers: thank you for your support. This network has grown so large, I am ecstatic every time I see my images pinned or my inbox flooded with compliments and comments about my work. You all have gotten me to this amazing point in my career and life and I could not be more grateful. 

End negative ramblings. Enter happy pictures of my life throughout the past few years:

LOVE - Jannah