
About Me: Cary LaCouture Photography

I have a job.

I don't feel cool saying that anymore.
Until this year, I had like the coolest job of anyone.
I'd be all "Oh, I'm going to work"
made me feel like a big kid. 
Now everyone is working. Slavin away. 

I do love my job a lot a lot a lot,
I am the Head of Graphic Design and Media Publications

Who wouldn't love looking at these shots all day?

And I'm still winning in the cool-kid job department,
my office ... yes, I repeat OFFICE has walls
5 to be exact, windows, 2 chairs and a computer screen bigger than my TV.
Livin large :)

Oh, and if you have a tooth-ache,
boss man can fix that too!
Creekside Dental, Parker, Colorado